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.VGX in Presentations



I can no longer get a .vgx to load when embedded into a presentation with a pin, I just get a constant spinning wheel, as of Vectorworks 2025 Update 3. However, the .vgx on it's own can open fine, and others have no issue viewing it through a direct link. It is only broken when being viewed within a presentation. I have temporarily gotten around this by using the hyperlink pin to link to the .vgx directly. It's a little annoying to have it open in a separate tab, but at least it works. 


Anyone else having this issue, or could it be related to my own account in some way?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


We released a fix earlier this week. We were not able to allow editing of the saved views within the presetation, so you can only view existing ones. I believe this would be acceptable. With this, you need to know that files added to presentations do not maintain a "live" link with the original file that is in your cloud storage. If you have created saved views in the vgx file after you have added it to your presentation, you just need to re-add the file to the presentation. When you overwrite the existing file, all pins will update to use the new version of the file. Let me know if you still have problems. 

Best regards,

Iskra Nikolova

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Sorry, I should have been more clear. The saved views that exist in the vgx prior to being embedded into the presentation are not showing up in the presentation at all. I have deleted the old vgx file from the presentation, and saved the new one with the saved views into the presentation, and they are still not showing up. I have even tried doing this with a new presentation, and the saved views still don't show up when being embedded in the presentation. Solo.vgxViewer.thumb.png.d02a752e1cbc8d1b2da214eedd1cf2a6.pngVGXinPresentation.thumb.png.d8e674c5378a30a20180ed8107904b23.png

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


How are you adding the .vgx file to the presentation? You can navigate to the file in your cloud folder on the web portal and right click and then select Add to presentation. Or from the slide itself, you can select to add a file from the Cloud storage. I guess if you download the file and then you upload it from your local computer, the Saved views would be lost.

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