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How to create an isometric detail / Isometric section view

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I am trying to create Isometric details of my interior design drawings. For example, finish carpentry, millwork etc. I used to do this manually in 2D but now that I've been drawing these components in 3d capacity, surely there is a way to create a detail callout in an isometric view...but I can't figure it out! I've tried using the clip cube to get the view I want and then creating a viewport, this doesn't work at all and the viewport is either blank or the entire design layer rather than the clipped area. I've figured out how to create a callout off an elevation but all this does is blow it up in elevation view, no additional views available....

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8 hours ago, gfyfe said:

I've tried using the clip cube to get the view I want and then creating a viewport, this doesn't work at all and the viewport is either blank or the entire design layer rather than the clipped area.


When you create a VP with a Clip Cube active make sure that 'Display with clip cube' is enabled in the 'Create Viewport' dialog.


Can you post some screenshots of the kind of thing you're trying to do?


The other option in VW2025 that might be useful to you is object visibility control which allows you to make selected objects invisible (or make all objects apart from the selected one/s invisible) but if you are on VW2022 as per your signature this feature won't be available to you.

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