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Data Tag that shows area of an element rounded with the ceiling formula, but still showing the units?

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Hi there, 


in our team (in Germany) we do feasibility studies where the areas of the building footprints or the intended uses tend to be over 1,000 sqm. Because of this, if the area is something like 4,373 sqm, we would show it as 4,400 sqm (1,530 as 1,550 and so on) during the beginning of the project. 


I would like to show it with a data tag and showing the area is quite straightforward. Implementing the ceiling formula to round up numbers to a multiple of 50 as well. But when I apply it, I can only see a number that is expressed as 4400 and simply cannot manage to add the division for the thousands in order for it to show as 4,400. 


So my objective is to have a Tag that displays the area of 


4,373 sqm


4,400 sqm


Would this be actually possible?


I´ve tried to replace the value of "FLÄCHE" in the first formula with the content of the second formula, but the result, as seen, is less that promising. 


Thank you in advance!



Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-16 um 14.57.06.png

Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-16 um 14.56.56.png

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Hi Pat and Nikolay, 


If I am using the standard function of the area (the second value of the previous screenshot) I can activate it. Seems to be added by the #thsep# function. But I would like first round the number so to have the area shown as 64,400 instead of 64,392. I managed to do that with the first area shown above, but then if I try to add the thousand separator within the rounding function, the result is plain text. As seen on the last line. So I basically tried to combine both without success. 


As soon as I use the rounding function, I lose the possibility of choosing any of the options available for the area function. Hence I thought of simply copying the existing function representing the area with thousand separator and units, and replace this with just the area for the rounding function, but it didn't work.


Could this be a syntax problem? Or simply a limitation of the Tag? 



Cheers, Altair 


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I am leaning toward this being either WAD (Working As Designed) or a Bug.  I have not been able to find a way to force thousands separators into anything in a data tag using a formula more complicated than #Area# or #WS_Area# or something multiplied times those.


Similarly, in a worksheet, a cell that is formatted as Area Dimension has no option for displaying thousands separators. If you want the thousands separator you have to use Decimal and check the thousands separator box. But then you lose the display of the units.


And the Worksheet TXT function which has an option of 'ThousandsSeparator' which I can't make work in either a Data Tag or even in a worksheet. That one I am fairly certain is a bug.



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