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Class filters very limited

Gran Mathias


Per now, we can only sort by, or exclude classes by tag or text, but not both at once, and not multiple of each.
This limits how well a filter can work when multiple classes follow a numbering system.

As example, we have classes for styles, and for the layers in the styles. the classes follow the same numbering system at the start of the class name, but the classes should not show at the same time when using a filer.

I have a tag on the classes used for the "layers" that only show the relevant classes when building up these styles, but if i want to make a filter that sorts by a range of numbers, as well as excluding these tagged classes, i can not.  

Please add this function as it would make working with many classes a lot easier.

Example for what i wish for:

Exclude by word: text1 , text2 , text3 , etc
Exclude by Tag: Tag 1, Tag2, Tag3 , etc
Exclude by word and Tag: Exclude (text1) & (Tag1)

where i work, this would make it a lot easier to only show relevant classes per filter, but as of now, it is not possible as we can only sort by one word or tag

Vectorworks 2024. Version 8, latest update

also tested in Vectorworks 2025.

If this is possible, then i dont see how.

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18 hours ago, shorter said:

Yes please.  Multiple choices are essential.

That said, try using Tags as the means by which you filter classes rather than the name of the class itself.

Thank you for the feedback.
Because of the current limitations, this seems like the only way to do it.

That said, our classes follow a Norwegian standard (NS3451) that uses numbers at the start, and these numbers correspond to different object types. In short, its is a hierarchical code system used in building projects, where each digit indicates a deeper level of detail, making it easier to identify and organize elements consistently.
So it would be really nice to get this function at some point.

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The UK Uniclass system (see

) uses numbers.  It does not lend itself to filtering across LOD that well, and tags are generally the best option, and probably will be even when you can use multiple filters at once (like you can Data Visualisation).  This may be an easier implementation actually.

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