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Modify Load Settings saved sets

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Hi Folks, 


Looking to curate my saved set resource and arrange the collapsable lists, etc. I've found the XML file that appears to hold the data, but modifications there don't seem to change the VW dialog. 


How can I manage this data?





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The load data file for distributed loads and for point loads are both called LoadData.xml


In Mac OSX they are located in [user]>Library>Application Support>VectorWorks>2024[or whatever version you are using]>Plug-ins>VW_Spotlight>Data>Braceworks. You should see two folders here - PresetDistLoads & PresetPointLoads. The LoadData.xml files are located in the corresponding folder.


I use a general text editor and when I make changes to the xml file. No restarting of the program or reloading of the drawing should be needed. I can see those changes right away.

Edited by stayathomedad
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Thanks @stayathomedad


I figured out the Syntax for the lists, if anybody else is wondering:


<WeightData isTotal="false" legend="" loadGroup="Cable" name="4 12/14 Socapex 2.24" ressourceName="12/14 Socapex" weight="2.24 lb/ft"/>


'WeightData isTotal=' False makes the makes your weight by a distance, as specified in the 'weight=' command. True makes it the overall load. 

'loadGroup' sets the dropdown category. You must use an existing category. 

'name' is the title of the individual load entry

'ressourceName' is the subgroup category. You want this to be the same for every item you want in a dropdown menu. 


Also, if you're having trouble finding the library folder, OS X is kind enough to hide it from you. Go to your user folder, right click, Show View Options, Show Library Folder. 


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