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One Vectorworks Architect 2025 Perpetual License (Australia License)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rui,


I am selling one of my Vectorworks licenses to Europe, and the VW Australia team has confirmed that they can transfer the license. I believe it shouldn’t be an issue in Portugal, but to be 100% certain, I recommend checking with Vectorworks in Portugal. I found this website that may help: https://designexpress.eu/.


Also, for payment, I use PayPal. This means your money is safeguarded by an independent company, PayPal, for two weeks. If the license transfer is unsuccessful, I will refund you right away.


And you can feel secure knowing that you can easily dispute the transaction and request PayPal to cancel it, ensuring your money is safely returned to you.


Feel free to email me at tony.to@refreshinghomes.com.au if you’d like to discuss further.



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In terms of tools, someone please correct me if I’m wrong. I use Vectorworks but have never fully investigated the differences between the Australian version and other versions worldwide. However, having used VW since VW11... since 20 years ago, I do have some background knowledge.


I feel a sense of pride because, even back in VW Version 2021, the Australian version had WinDoor, while the rest of the world did not. Historically, the WinDoor tool was developed by OzCAD, the Australian distributor of Vectorworks, and was primarily available to users in Australia and New Zealand. This tool provided advanced features for creating and managing window and door objects, which were not part of the standard Vectorworks package at the time.


Then, in recent years, Vectorworks, recognised the value of WinDoor, bought OzCAD, and integrated its functionalities into the core program.


As of the 2025 version, these features are now standard across all Vectorworks versions globally, ensuring uniformity in tools and capabilities for users worldwide.


So now, Vectorworks has levelled the playing field, and everyone has access to the same tools we’ve been using in Australia for years... 

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