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3d functionality tips please

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First time using 3D in a project and I understand there's a learning curve but am becoming very frustrated with the auto-selection function and don't know how to make it stop, or at least moderate it.


I am grabbing the little rectangles and copying them, but the guide lines also keep 'insisting' on offering themselves to be selecting and actually overriding my original selection, so I cannot simpley grab the rectangle at their bases to snap them to a new position. I have to grab them at their top and sort of trial-and-error getting them to move laterally instead of going off at a weird angle.


Is there a way to put the guides on a layer and lock them from being 'active' and selectable?






Edited by DSmith2300
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If you are using the Selection Tool + have two or more objects in the same place (cursor will display asterisk), hold down the J key as you click + you'll get a window allowing you to scroll through the objects + select the one you want.


Alternatively, I mostly use the Move By Points Tool (in first mode) for things like this: use Command-click to select the object you want to move then all other objects will be ignored. Use Z key to zoom in + check exactly where you're clicking. I find it a more precise way of moving things in terms of knowing which object I'm moving + where I'm clicking on it + where I'm moving it to.

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Usually ins such situations, with the Select/Drag Tool, you could select the object of choice first, like by clicking it on top - than hover cursor at the point where it meets Line until the snap icon appears and grab it from there - and VW would keep you Selection. That feature/behavior was thankfully include many years ago.


Before dragging had always switched selection and dragged the most top object instead, which was a nightmare.

But I have read some comments that made me think that VW 2025 had a regression and switched back to the old behavior or that losing initial Selection when dragging may happen in certain situations.


And before that feature, the workaround was to use the "Move by Points" Tool instead, with no number of copies setup.

This Tool will reliably use the selected object(s) only.

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Some of the 3D stuff seems intuitive, some of it seems baffling.

Random snapping behaviour to moving / rotating opbjects when no snapping turned on.

Random zooming of views away from work

Zoom direction switching when getting too close. 


slowly getting there.


I've found that providing 'support lines' to snap to, then deleting, helpful.

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