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Insert symbol by size

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I am trying to make a Marionette network that can build a stage floor for me, out of my own 3d symbols.


My inputs data will be width, depth and height.


My question is can i make it choose a symbol?


I have 7 different leg/column sizes to choose from.


I would like it to choose the biggest leg/column symbol that fits within the height.

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Sorry. i work in CAOS so i am in the process of making my symbols, and working on the marionette on the side 😕


i can com back to this when i have more Symbols ready.


What i am trying to do is:


  1. Draw a 3d box, inn the size of a stage floor, example (H 1,8m x W 14m x D10m)
  2. Then run Marionette to fill in the box with the symbols right symbols (think building a scaffold)
  3. I need every symbol to be put in in a 1,2x2,4m pattern inside the box
  4. Then i can build the rest of the floor with Stairs after. 
  5. then i can get an item list to order my floor.
  6. make build drawing for the crew.
  • Symbols That Marionette needs to chose from: 
    1. Jack spindel - 3 sizes symbols
    2. Column(leg) - 7 symbols (different heights)
    3. connections between the Columns and plates on top, are always the same.

Hope it makes sense 🙂


otherwise, i will get back when i have the symbols ready. 

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Thanks for the answer.


What configuration of VW you work on (architecture, spotlight, standard...) In the spotlight version you have a specific tool to build the stage.

Is your stage size always the same, same venue or stage on tour?

Is it the theatre's platforms you are always using?

To what precision you need the symbol to be, because it is soon memory consuming

How do you manage with the stage size to fit in 2,4 x 1,2?


Edited by the frog
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6 hours ago, the frog said:

Thanks for the answer.


What configuration of VW you work on (architecture, spotlight, standard...) In the spotlight version you have a specific tool to build the stage.

Is your stage size always the same, same venue or stage on tour?

Is it the theatre's platforms you are always using?

To what precision you need the symbol to be, because it is soon memory consuming

How do you manage with the stage size to fit in 2,4 x 1,2?



What configuration of VW you work on (architecture, spotlight, standard...) In the spotlight version you have a specific tool to build the stage.

  I am using Spotlight, the generic stage tool is to generic 😕


Is your stage size always the same, same venue or stage on tour?

  Always different, depends on tour, bands, conference  


Is it the theatre's platforms you are always using?



To what precision you need the symbol to be, because it is soon memory consuming

  Fairly precise, but I can make the symbols more simple


How do you manage with the stage size to fit in 2,4 x 1,2?

  I was thinking Duplicate Array x 2 ( first from one direction, then all of them in the next direction )


I'm coming from AutoCAD (15+ years), and leaning VW 

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Big change from cad to vw.

Getting deeper into your needs, at the end do you need all the nss horizontal floor to be seen + the colums, to be able to have a table of all the elements or just the floor at the correct high?

Do you need the bottom horizontals as well when using 167?

On 1/15/2025 at 12:33 PM, Mr. Minus said:

Column(leg) - 7 symbols (different heights)

can you tell me the reference number of the one you need?

ref exemple.png

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To answeryour question,  if you ask a to build a stage and your symbols are named Column and Jack spindel ...

If you have drawn a column symbol already that could help because the nss horizontals have different length


Edited by the frog
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