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truss symbol issue(s)

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@JustinVanHassel @jcogdell

Hi everyone,


I have problems making a truss. We have a circle tube with a cross in the middle. I want to make this symbol into a truss, which in itself works, but then I run into issues. If I make the truss a circular truss, things snap to the circle part of the object, but not to the cross, and if I make it a straight or a corner, I run into the same problems, just with different outcomes. I'd like things to snap to both the circle as well as the truss. Is what I'm trying not possible? If it is, can someone explain to me how to do this?

My second question concerns the new chord snapping. To me it looks like there's just lines in the center of the tube, which are in chord snapping class. But if I try to make that, things don't neatly snap to it, so there's probably more to it. Can someone explain to me how this works?


thanks a lot,



Truss Tower Ring Ø1mtr 30V.vwx

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Works now!


A straight Truss is best for this - especially as this is not designed to connect with another Truss object?


Chord snapping is the key to it. You can reverse engineer what I have done in the file or go to this page here and take a look at the information and video. https://showvector.com/chord-snapping/

(It's a subscription site, so you will need to sign up)

Truss Tower Ring Ø1mtr 30V.vwx

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Hi Mark,


You are apparently my problem solver for the day, thanks a lot. The file you've made is indeed exactly what I wanted. What you're saying is, despite of what form you pick for the truss, objects will snap to the chords? Trying to reverse engineer proves difficult, because when opening you're file, VW tells me the truss symbol has no edit behaviour.


thanks a lot,



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Peter TellemanThe instructions for chord snapping is laid out in the Vectorworks Help. It simply needs to be a 3D polygon with the TrussChordInfo Record attached and populated. There is no need for the class because that is just used to hide the geometry so you can choose any class you wish.


https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2025/eng/VW2025_Guide/Braceworks/Creating_a_custom truss_symbol.htm?rhsearch=chord snapping&rhhlterm=chord chords snapped snap snapping

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