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Method for individual numbering of lines

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I am designing for a line robot that needs a name (number) for every straight or curved line on the drawing.

My wish is to find some script or a way to make "next number" automatically on a copy of the number before.

As far as I knew VWX has no way to give separate lines a name. Like objects.

On the other hand that may disturb the program that steers the robot.


I export the files as DWG and another technician takes over and applicate it into the program for the robot.


I do like this for the moment:

1_I write  001

2_I make a copy paste of that

3_I change the number manually to 002 and move that number to a new location close to line number2 and so on..


A bit boring when the number of lines can be up to hundreds.



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Lines can be named in the OIP.

If you don't care about the order that the lines are named a relatively simple script could be used to name them all.

The Data Tag tool can either do an incrementing number or can place the name of the object (as well as many other things) on the drawing.


Or I think you could attach a custom record to the lines and then use the Data Tag to number them and force that number to be assigned to the record. But I have not tried this and could be wrong.


Or the Data Manager might be a better way to accomplish what you are trying to do in conjunction with using the data tag to put the numbers onto the drawing.

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@Rolle If you draw the first line, then name it in the OIP. The Name in the Object Info Palette is all the way @ the bottom (... and make sure to Tab before you exit the OIP)


Then copy this 001 named line and paste or you can duplicate and move ...


The OIP now has this new / duplicate line named 002


Picking / duplicating any named line then gets you the next number (...as the Name in the OIP)


A Database Worksheet will list the Lines / Names / Lengths etcetera (Attached)



Line Names.png

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2 hours ago, JBenghiat said:

Shameless plug: my Savvy Sequencer plug-in will sequentially number any existing object. You can store the number in the object name or an attached record, or you can automatically place text objects on each line.



Shameless approbation of same! This is a tool whose utility has no bounds. Try it. Scary good and simple in application. It is literally the first re-installed plugin on every VWX install I've done since discovering it.

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