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Christie Lites Cables and Distros

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Happy New Year, everyone!


For all of the improvements to the Cable Tools in 2025, there is one issue I had to solve for myself. I often use gear from Christie Lites and they have their own standard lengths for cables. 4', 8', 16', etc....


So I dove into the Cable files and made up a batch of cables to match their specs. I also built their 3 main Distros (60 way 208, 30 way 208, and 30 way 120).


As a bonus, I included the Road Case symbols that are available on Christie's site.


If this is useful to anyone else, please feel free to download the file and drop it in your Favorites folder!


Christie Lites.vwx

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Thanks for this. It is a terrific contribution to the community.

The Distro symbols look terrific. They need additional parts and circuit assignments to make them offer power calculations. Let me know if you need guidance for this.


Thanks, Scott


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I think there may be many, many, many, objects that will be needed that will be made by users, that those users are willing to share.  It would be great if there was an easily identifiable place for people to upload to and easy for people in need to find.  Constructing distributers, generators, and cables is a more involved process than in the old system which made the different objects virtually by changing settings in the OIP.  Eventually, VW power planning object management will become an issue, but the number of objects needed will soon swamp the VW content team. 


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7 hours ago, Scott C. Parker said:

Thanks for this. It is a terrific contribution to the community.

The Distro symbols look terrific. They need additional parts and circuit assignments to make them offer power calculations. Let me know if you need guidance for this.


Thanks, Scott



Thank you, Scott! I learned a lot trying to get those distros "just right."


I would absolutely welcome a push in the right direction on this. Circuit Assignments in particular would be great, as I currently do that work in Lightwright. If I can assign circuit numbers for each output on the distro - then have those assignment carry through from the rack to the breakout to the fixture - that's a game changer.


(For comparison, my current workflow is using @Sam Jones Cable Tools to define the Multis and Breakouts, then going into LW and linking Dimmers to each Multi. Data Exchange then brings the info back from LW to VW.)

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