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Texture from Class for Structural Member



Hi there!


I'm working on my first project ever in Vectorworks. And here is the problem I encountered on my journey. 


1) In one document I can not apply texture from class for a structural member.


2) In another document it works.


In both I applied texture only from class. Where's the settings problem?


Thank you.



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It could a bunch of different things.


1. From the Shape pane of the OIP (Object Info Palette) does the one that is not taking the texture set to use a Material?

2. From the Shape pane of the OIP is one set to use a Style and the other not? If yes, then you need to check the Style as it is probably controlling the texture.

3. From the Settings button on the Shape pane of the OIP in the Attributes pane of the Structural Member Settings dialog box, is the class set in the 3D attributes part at the bottom?


Or copy/paste the two structural members into a file and post it here and we will be happy to help you figure out the difference.

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Thank you Pat. 


I have just created a new blank document, drawn a structural member and applied a texture by class. It worked...but. As soon as I move the object in the plane, the texture disappears and can't be applied a second time, I mean not at all, not even with a new class.


And I had reinstalled the VW 2025 a couple of hours ago, because I thought there might be some issue with the update.


Boh. I can only think of a conspiracy by some Nazis. 

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@uppercrust just to be clear, are you attempting to apply the texture in the Render tab of the OIP or in the Attributes tab of the Structural Member Settings? I'm pretty sure that for several versions now the only way to edit the texture of a Structural Member is via the PIO settings: the texture in the OIP is always greyed-out + only there 'for info'. So are you asking why the texture in the Render tab is greyed-out + won't let you edit it, in which case you have the answer, or are you saying that you are changing the texture to 'By Class' in the Structural Member settings but the change isn't taking effect?

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This was actually confusing me the other day and I wondered if something had changed in W2025.


I had problems with a SM imported from a VW2023 file and I could only get the texture to work after creating a new one (might still have been user error though).


You can set "by class" here in the SM settings circled in red.


It took me a while to find this because the "texture" column circled in green doesn't offer "by class" as adirect drop-down option whereas "attributes" next door to it does. You have to click and open a dialogue box and find the "by class" button at the top.




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