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Cloud Document Reviewer - Option to hide most of the OIP Shape information



Most PIOs contain options and data that is unnecessary / unhelpful to include in the CDR Object Info>Shape panel.

It would be good to be able to quickly disable that from being included.


Also - is Shape really the best name for the Shape tab any more. Perhaps Geometry/ Options / Controls / Information!!

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @bcd, thank you for your input.

The goal is to replicate Vectorworks so we've chosen similar user interface and naming. Then we display information from Vectorworks about this object, and depending on the case you might need something or not. There are currently options to control what data gets exported at record format granularity.




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HI @Vlado CDR cloud document reviewer I think that's what it was called on the VW university. I think this tool/platform? has promise but it's early days.


How to I disable exporting Window> bubble size, include lintel, the myriad checkboxes, all the unused user fields etc etc: items a viewer is likely not to be familiar with and in any case cannot control? It's like picking up a display phone with a picture that does nothing, it just frustrates.

Also - it might be nice to include the option of adding comments/redlines to the OIP so a reviewer can highlight details there for revision as well.


Also - at the moment the selection seems to be the largest object under the cursor rather than the object closest to the viewer. Well that's not quite right but I can't figure out the underlying logic. And, at least for me there is no marquee selection, so in an HLR elevation I click on a window and end up selecting the back wall of the building. Yes, holding J and clicking shows a (very long) list - which strangely is off to the right with no transparency and not close to the reviewer's focus. J-click isn't very intuitive - the explanation at the top of the screen makes sense to me but I wonder if a new user would be able to quickly grasp what's being said. A user would simply expect to click/hover on an object and see information about that without any hoop jumping.


Keeping the flavor of VW seems right but I question whether replicating VW is an optimal goal for the CDR.

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