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Strange clip cube behavior


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Enclosed screen grab is a clip cube view.

This is frustrating....

Same four instances of the same symbol are stacked.  Exact same X Y coordinates.  Each symbol Z 10 ft 9 inches above another.


Why is the fill different at the top instance of the symbol? 

Possible bug?






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I gave it a shot, but couldn't figure out the problem.  This is not occurring for me on VW 2024.   Are the stairs on different design layers and/or stories ?   I assume you noticed the problem is not just the stairs, but the walls and elevator too.  Did you make the whole assembly into a symbol, or are only the stairs a symbol ?

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Hi domer1322,


The entire assembly is a symbol.  Each stair/elevator core is on a different design layer.

The stair is not a symbol.  It's at a schematic stage so I used the stair tool built one.

(BTW, the stir tool needs some development attention) 


The section viewport renders fine.  Just the Clip Cube.  


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Thanks for looking into this.


All of the objects in the file are reasonably close to the origin. 

All within 500 ft or 150 meters. 

It's a six level building


The one oddity is the space objects floating above.  These flat and are placed on a 0 elevation height level.

The image below is all levels, classes set to be on and visible.



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