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how to reduce file size? or make my file stop being laggy?

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I have a remodel where we are placing custom 3d's from manufacture to create interior elevations. We have custom wall textures and fleshed our the model a lot

I am currently separating files by room and delete everything not relevant to the room

however the file is still laggy even though I cut it down by half the memory 


what can I do? 

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Hard to say as this is really specific to the scene file and your hardware specs. 


Have you run the purge command? Resources (symbols, materials, hatches, etc.) remain in the resource manager even if deleted from design layers and contribute to file size. 


Are the resources from Manufacturers all imported mesh items? Some of these can be quite heavy and inefficient. 

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Yes, large Image Textures (8k ?) may need much RAM for CPU Rendering or VRAM for 3D Viewport or GPU Rendering and make the File Size large.


But usually that is not a problem or lagging.


I assume you imported lots of detailed Mesh Objects from Libraries. Although VW is one of the CADs that can deal better with Meshes, CAD do not really like these. Usually it is not really possible to optimize these, beside redrawing as much as possible with Solids.


Maybe you could offer a Screenshot of a typical area with some of these :

10 hours ago, builtextra007 said:

custom 3d's from manufacturer

in Wireframe Mode, to estimate how detailed these are.

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12 hours ago, unearthed said:

What is the file size of your textures? - I presume they are images.


Can the textures be put in their own class and turned off when you're moving/manipulating the model?


Are there a lot of non-printing sub-elements in your model?


Is whole file on your desktop?

not sure, I ended up separating files by room and deleted every other room except the one the file is for.. I assume even for just one room the textures would be okay? no there are no non printing sub elements.. this file is on the iCloud 

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8 hours ago, EAlexander said:

Hard to say as this is really specific to the scene file and your hardware specs. 


Have you run the purge command? Resources (symbols, materials, hatches, etc.) remain in the resource manager even if deleted from design layers and contribute to file size. 


Are the resources from Manufacturers all imported mesh items? Some of these can be quite heavy and inefficient. 

in hardware I have a 2tb 64gb m3 max MacBook., yes I purged everything even things outside of the page boundary ,, some of them are mesh yes but I deleted a majority of them and it still laggy 

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6 hours ago, zoomer said:

Yes, large Image Textures (8k ?) may need much RAM for CPU Rendering or VRAM for 3D Viewport or GPU Rendering and make the File Size large.


But usually that is not a problem or lagging.


I assume you imported lots of detailed Mesh Objects from Libraries. Although VW is one of the CADs that can deal better with Meshes, CAD do not really like these. Usually it is not really possible to optimize these, beside redrawing as much as possible with Solids.


Maybe you could offer a Screenshot of a typical area with some of these :

in Wireframe Mode, to estimate how detailed these are.

I will upload file in a bit

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32 minutes ago, builtextra007 said:

n hardware I have a 2tb 64gb m3 max MacBook., yes I purged everything even things outside of the page boundary ,, some of them are mesh yes but I deleted a majority of them and it still laggy 

Sometime a mesh is not a mesh.  They can be grouped 3D polygons which can really slow a machine down.


If you are able to use the edit function on your meshes, see if they are individual unconnected polygons.

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This model isn't "slow" on my far less capable machine than yours (iMac retina from 2020 with 72gb ram).


What is hurting you with this model are the huge textures, use of groups instead of Symbols for repeating geometry, and high level of detail for unimportant things (roof tiles on wall caps, etc).


You could cut that file size in half without even trying hard.  The real time rendering performance will improve if you use more appropriately sized textures.

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When you are doing hyperrealistic renderings, sometimes it is better to model the fixtures than rely on mesh.

Your file size will be smaller AND your geometry will look better.  The render time will typically be longer though because there are more "faces" to make it look smooth.


I made the one on the left, the right one was from your file.  Note how the right one is a faceted mesh while mine has smooth curves.



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3 hours ago, Jeff Prince said:

When you are doing hyperrealistic renderings, sometimes it is better to model the fixtures than rely on mesh.

Your file size will be smaller AND your geometry will look better.  The render time will typically be longer though because there are more "faces" to make it look smooth.


I made the one on the left, the right one was from your file.  Note how the right one is a faceted mesh while mine has smooth curves.



I’m not that great of a 3d modeler which is why I did not attempt it . For your texture comment what would you recommend ? Would your services be for hire to help clean this file up with modeling ? I’d even be interested in a class or two for modeling if you offer that 

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
8 hours ago, Jeff Prince said:

When you are doing hyperrealistic renderings, sometimes it is better to model the fixtures than rely on mesh.

Your file size will be smaller AND your geometry will look better.  The render time will typically be longer though because there are more "faces" to make it look smooth.


I made the one on the left, the right one was from your file.  Note how the right one is a faceted mesh while mine has smooth curves.



@Jeff Prince have you tried a custom crease angle in the OIP (Render tab) for the mesh?

That should get rid of faceting effectively without the need to remodel.





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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
17 minutes ago, Jeff Prince said:

Yes, but that doesn't reduce the file size.

For the test file, there seem to be some ways to reduce file size and also responsiveness when zooming and panning, for example using symbols for identical objects. I can see a lot of identical extrudes and other objects here.



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17 hours ago, Jeff Prince said:
1 minute ago, Stephan Moenninghoff said:

For the test file, there seem to be some ways to reduce file size and also responsiveness when zooming and panning, for example using symbols for identical objects. I can see a lot of identical extrudes and other objects here.





Yes, that's what I told him yesterday 🙂

The railings on the balcony alone shave 50 mb of size.  Roof tiles, etc...

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@builtextra007  I don't envy you with this file.  I looked at a few different entities and one fixture spout had a thousand times more polygons than required to make it.   The advice you are getting is sound, but is there a solution?  Don't know.


All of your fixtures seem to be individual polygons which really slows things down.  Some of your fixtures are unclosed polygons which means you can't use Add Solids..  If you use edit group to get to the individual polygons, you can select them and check "Closed" in the OIP.   Then, theoretically you could do an "add solids", but selecting thousand of polygons and doing an Add Solids can crash the program.


With a project like this, I run these files through CINEMA 4D first which will connect the polygons and reduce the number by 90%.  Then back to VW's as a STL file.





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