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Wall style instance name?


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I really love how you can give hardscapes and landscape areas Instance Names. It's great for breaking out certain areas of the design for estimating and value engineering etc... 


I'm wondering, is there a way to do this with wall styles? I currently use wall styles as a way to draw and report steps but there's no way to make them unique from other stairs in the drawing similar to the instance filed for hardscapes and LA's. 



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Well you can give each Wall object a unique name in the 'Name:' field at the bottom of the OIP, the same as any other object. Or you could use the 'Mark' field in the Wall Data (see button in OIP). This is mapped to the 'Reference' field in the IFC data. Or you could use a Custom Record.


But no built-in auto-naming Instance Name function like with the new Hardscapes + LAs.

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3 hours ago, Tom W. said:

Well you can give each Wall object a unique name in the 'Name:' field at the bottom of the OIP, the same as any other object. Or you could use the 'Mark' field in the Wall Data (see button in OIP). This is mapped to the 'Reference' field in the IFC data. Or you could use a Custom Record.


But no built-in auto-naming Instance Name function like with the new Hardscapes + LAs.

@Tom W. Yeah I had used the "name" field at the bottom of the OIP but say I have a grouping of stairs in a certain area I want to just call them "orchard garden stairs" and you can't have each wall object named the same thing. I'll try out those other options and at the very least I can make my own record. 


I think it would be cool to be able to have an instance name for walls. Either that or a new "landscape stair" tool 🙂 



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 Don’t know if this helps at all, but you could select the orchard steps and create a symbol. Same for other steps and other elements. The symbol could insert as a group if that helps. Anyway allows edits to that specific set of steps, and name or other data to differentiate for worksheets, etc.


also, is there a way to use Spaces for this?




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4 hours ago, Jonk said:

@Tom W. Yeah I had used the "name" field at the bottom of the OIP but say I have a grouping of stairs in a certain area I want to just call them "orchard garden stairs" and you can't have each wall object named the same thing. I'll try out those other options and at the very least I can make my own record. 


I think it would be cool to be able to have an instance name for walls. Either that or a new "landscape stair" tool 🙂 




But if you're talking about a group of Walls then it's not a Wall instance 🙂. Same as if it was a group of Hardscapes or LAs.


Groups also have the 'Name' field at the bottom of the OIP plus can attach Records to them. Or turn them into symbols like Benson says if it's useful to do so: so they can be saved in your Favorites or if they repeat through the file.

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9 hours ago, Benson Shaw said:

 Don’t know if this helps at all, but you could select the orchard steps and create a symbol. Same for other steps and other elements. The symbol could insert as a group if that helps. Anyway allows edits to that specific set of steps, and name or other data to differentiate for worksheets, etc.


also, is there a way to use Spaces for this?




I've used symbols in the past and that works. Just trying to find a more streamlined way. Thanks!


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7 hours ago, Tom W. said:


But if you're talking about a group of Walls then it's not a Wall instance 🙂. Same as if it was a group of Hardscapes or LAs.


Groups also have the 'Name' field at the bottom of the OIP plus can attach Records to them. Or turn them into symbols like Benson says if it's useful to do so: so they can be saved in your Favorites or if they repeat through the file.

Yeah but in the Hardscape and LA tool, the instance can be the same name for two hardscapes or LA's. So say I have several hardscapes that are the same style but they are all landings within a set of stairs and I want to break those out in my worksheet as "stair landings" I can give them all that instance and then summarize them in my worksheet. 


Anyway, sounds like there's a way to achieve what I want. It may be as simple as grouping the two wall styles and naming it in the "name" field. 

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11 minutes ago, Jonk said:

Yeah but in the Hardscape and LA tool, the instance can be the same name for two hardscapes or LA's. So say I have several hardscapes that are the same style but they are all landings within a set of stairs and I want to break those out in my worksheet as "stair landings" I can give them all that instance and then summarize them in my worksheet. 


You can do the same with the 'Mark'/'Reference' field in the Wall Data. The value doesn't have to be unique.

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