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Set Layer Node that Allows for String Input?


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The Set Layer node in the library appears to only take the object input, and then an existing layer needs to be selected from a drop down within the node. I need to push different objects to different layers and I can't figure out how to do this with the existing node.



As an example, I might have 3 floors of a building (3 different design layers), and my script pulls objects from all those layers, but the resulting objects need to go back to the layers the original object pulled from... It seems that when I run the script, all resulting objects end up on the active design layer.

Is it possible with the default node? If not, is there another way to do this with the default nodes or could someone help direct me to edit the default node to allow this?

While I've become pretty solid with Marionette over the past year, I still need to learn more about making or editing the scripts directly.

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  • Marionette Maven

I was going to suggest a Set Parent node, but apparently we don't have one in default content. I'll make a note to add one later 🙂

Here's a quick one, I didn't test it and it has minimal error handling, but just to have something available for anyone looking (please let me know if someone tests it out)

This node will let you set the parent of an object, it can be a layer or a group (or other things depending on object types)

Set Parent Node.vwx

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