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PIO selection for streamdeck

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Has anyone found a way to write a script to select a specific PIO. My goal is to be able to select a specific truss with a streamdeck command. I use a Hot key for the truss selection but then need to go through the drop down menu to select the specific truss. (image.png.461607856bc401e19ed86f3e610102f8.png) I am told that I would need to write a script to accomplish this, can anyone point me in the correct direction or share what has worked for them.  


Thanks in advance.

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More detail about what you want to do would be helpful.


Do you truly want to select a certain piece of truss? Or do you want to select all of the pieces of truss of a certain type?


For first option, just give that stick a name and use a

script of:


Procedure SelectStick;

	SetSelect(GetObject('Enter Stick Name Here'));




If you don't care about deselecting other objects first, it could be reduced to the single SetSelect line.


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Thank you Pat. The ultimate goal is to be able to have buttons on the stream deck that will automatically pick what we use as standards (all xsf truss, 10', 8' 5' Cornerblock) (4 separate buttons. I have assigned a hot key to get to the truss selection but then have to scroll through to get to the truss that I want and was hoping to speed that up. I think I would have to write the streamdeck command to select the truss symbol menu, pause, then run the script to pick the truss. Very new to the stream deck and havent done any vectorscript work so I am trying to figure it all out.  

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