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Vectorworks crashing on launch



Hi All,


I am trying to launch vectorworks 2025 and it keeps crashing - below are my PC specs and the error log:


Processor    AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor, 3793 Mhz, 12 Core(s), 24 Logical Processor(s)
OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
System Type    x64-based PC
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    16.0 GB



Faulting application name: Vectorworks2025.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: DWG Library.vlb, version:, time stamp: 0x67398e82
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x0000000002b2afbd
Faulting process id: 0x1294
Faulting application start time: 0x01db4413ba2df1ef
Faulting application path: A:\Vectorworks\Vectorworks2025.exe
Faulting module path: A:\Vectorworks\Plug-ins\DWG Library.vlb
Report Id: 98ff65d0-cd26-4131-9532-8fc399834b5e
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 

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As a response to what pat said, and to better describe my issue, vectorworks keeps crashing on the splash screen, i have tried uninstall re install, update graphics driver, update windows, restart pc, removing different "faulty" files, etc. following is my screenshot of where rDesign has said that the Users folder should be, also another note from me is that i have not managed to get past the splash screen at all yet. 


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9 hours ago, IslaRash said:

after doing as pat has suggested it runs to the exact same point and then crashes, please find attached screenshot of the windows reliability app


This also happens on MacOS. We literally cannot run the software we paid for, it didn't even work for one second after installation.


Typically garbage quality control from Vectorworks, and just relying on forum contributions to troubleshoot the software they charge us for every day.


Have you tried ... I dunno, turning it off and back on again?

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I was able to get help from DOMAS at Vectorworks.


VW know that this is happening and Domas was able to tell me there is a known bug in Redshift that causes this crash and causes the vectorworks software to be unusable.


By deleting the Redshift files shown in the attached screenshot, Redshift can be removed from 2025 and then the software will work.


But you will not have the hyped Redshift technology for rendering and so you must disable part of the software you're paying for in order for the software to start.


Overall this is really low effort on the part of Vectorworks - they could easily have posted this info the in this exact thread or made any kind of public post regarding this deal breaking bug.


So Domas did an amazing job of customer support but overall the company is still horrible on support and quality control. I am not sure what they think people need to do with the software, if they know about these breaking bugs, and do not publicize any solutions and just depend on their customers to staff the support forum and divine the solutions to these tech problems.


Super disappointing but consistent with my experience with VW customer support going back many years. So it's possible to use 2025 now, but not with redshift which is the entire reason I was beta testing 2025 in the first place, since redshift is not usable in 2024.

Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 12.16.28 PM.png

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It seems really unusual to have a A:/ path to the faulting modules... (back in the day A:/ was reserved for the floppy drive) Windows expects programs to be on the C drive - are you pointing the installer to a different location other than C? If so try the installer again but use the default install location to the C drive. Also don't set up custom folders on the C drive for the installer either - just let it installer do its thing and should install the main program directory to C:\program files\vectorworks 2025.

It's possible executable file (what the vectorworks icon activates) is looking for files in the above location and can't find them.

Edited by Ross Harris
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11 hours ago, Ross Harris said:

@benkrall.art have you tried downloading a fresh installer with update 2 from the customer portal and reinstalling after a full uninstall and manually deleting any folders that might be left behind?

Hi, I did not attempt to download the 2.0 updater and force the 2.0 install. It just seemed like an uncertain step when I didn't think I would be able to get it working.


My understanding from VW support was that since my CAD system is on macOS 13 (which is supported) there might be some specific tech issue with the Redshift components coming in 2025. It is strange because Redshift does work in 2024 - I am just having trouble migrating the project approach since I have to re-light the model to work with how Redshift measures lights differently from Renderworks.


Overall there are probably various reasons why 2025 is crashing on people during the splash screen, but removing the files in the application folder does seem like a way to troubleshoot individual components if you need to get 2025 to run. In other words those problems are likely to manifest at the splash screen because that is when VW is loading all the components in the app folder. So if it's crashing hard in some kind of hardware way with a GPU or graphics error, removing the Redshift files or removing the entire cineware folder (disables Renderworks entirely - it can be re-created or dragged back in once you have tested this) would be a possible direction to investigate.


Thanks again and credit is due to VW and Domas for at least being able to get my 2025 working even if I can't use Redshift for testing in 2025. it's nice to know it's possible to understand some of these problems and some folks at VW do know how to dig into this stuff.


I'll also give credit that I was able to speak to a human at VW pretty quickly - but I was linked to the Service Select phone number, so not sure if customers in other locations like Australia will have similar results. This was significantly faster and a better support experience than I have received in the past, which has always been more of a "wow that's weird dude" response rather than any direction or idea how to attack the problem.



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On 12/4/2024 at 11:17 PM, IslaRash said:

after doing as pat has suggested it runs to the exact same point and then crashes, please find attached screenshot of the windows reliability app


It seems like from your error message, it might be having trouble with the DWG import/export component 👆


I would probably attempt to remove the DWG/DXF folders in the 2025 folder, to see if the software will run once the DWG/DXF components are not found.


I do agree it's strange A:\ is listed in the error, it seems like VW may be doing something unconventional here or else the error is not correctly recording where the actual VW files are located.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Thanks @Ross Harris it is always nice to receive positive feedback - we always try our very best (that's you Zac in NZ!). 


As an update regarding the original post. I tried everything I knew with Tristan and also noted the odd path to the 'a' drive. To cut to the chase, Tristan eventually did a Windows factory reset and Vectorworks 2024 now works fine and presumably v2025 if he installs it. So there was something wrong with the operating system.




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