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Retirement Plans



What happens to our drawings when we retire, stop paying for VW and cannot access them?


I have been a user since MiniCAD 4. I'm paying a subscription right now and have a permanent licence for something but it's not for the latest version is it? So it won't run on any computer I am now actively using.


At some time, when I stop working and don't want to pay subscriptions for the rest of my life, I'll be in a situation where I can't open any of my life's work unless I keep an old copy of VW on an old computer that somehow continues to run for ever and have to save legacy version files of everything I have drawn.


I firmly believe, that having personally paid VW for the best part of 4 decades, there should be some plan where I have a right to finally own a version of the program which will run on the computer of today. 


What do you think?



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Currently I see two options:  1. VW needs to make sure that the Viewer app is maintained with backwards compatibility.  This would allow retirees to access and view their archive, though not to edit their past work.  I haven't checked how far back the viewer can currently open.  Hopefully we won't need to submit old files to the Forum and ask people to update our old files for us.  2. Pay for a one month subscription on the occasions that access is needed.


Should there be a handcuffed version like the students' copies that add a watermark and can't be used on standard VW installation?


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if the work is important enough to revisit  in the future, you should have it archived as PDF.  If you don’t trust tech, laser engrave your plans onto metal or stone plates 😉


Vectorworks, or any company, could go out of business at any moment or determine that supporting your legacy work is of no financial benefit to them.  You have to have a plan that does not include proprietary file formats that are largely unsupported in our industry.

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