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2025 vwx export to dwg - are there step by step instructions on what boxes to check/uncheck?



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8 hours ago, asummers said:

Some things are showing but walls and other things don't appear.



I think with VW 2025 DWG export got quite strange and unreliable.

I am not sure if that already got better with SP2.


Export all did not work at all, it exported visible Layers only. AFAIK for nearly any export formats.

3D export only brings about half of the 3D geometry, rest is some kind of 2D (or not at all ?)

This was for the first export. If I repeat the same export process again, the 3D Geometry was usually ok !?

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Thanks for the screenshots. On the first screen I see that you have shown the format as DWG rather than the DXF that you indicated in your first statement "the resulting dxf". I went with DWG to imitate your screen. On my screen, I cannot check "export as georeferenced file" as it is grayed out.


I also notice that a small screen appears that is "getting options" but it never advances.


On the second screen shot (Classes/Layers) I see that you have the option (not checked) to "export single layer for classes with same name" and on my screen that option is grayed out. 


On the third screen (graphic attributes) my screen is identical to yours and I can check the same items.


On the fourth screen (Objects) I can check the same items that you have checked, but I notice that your screen has the first four items grayed out whereas my screen shows them available to check, although I haven't checked them.


On the fifth screen (Plug-in objects) I have hardscape and space items to check and did so.


I sent the resulting dwg file to a colleague and requested a feedback if it worked. I have no other way to check the file other than Autodesk viewer which shows that it worked OK and all items show. 


My associate said it appears about the same as before, not complete. Very frustrating!!


I don't understand why my screens are so different from yours, and the "getting options" screen never did advance, just sat there.


I have uploaded the resulting file FYI.


2306 turn the page export 1.dwg

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I thought it was just me @zoomer. I've been exporting to DWG since the beginning, and today, I was asked to send a DWG file of a floor plan of a VW BIM model. I even had my settings saved. I always check my DWG export by importing it into a blank file. Most of it was missing because I was not getting what I expected. I had to rely on an older DWG file to solve today's crisis, but the problem still exists. What changed @JuanP? Why did someone mess with something that was working?

I need to try @Jonathan Pickup settings, but I think this is headed in the wrong direction. Why can't it simply flatten everything to 2D without weird stuff happening? My clients and engineers merely want a 2D CAD file similar to how we would have created it in the 2D-only days.

Any ideas or links are appreciated

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@leecalisti, Workflows, existing in previous Vectorworks versions, have not been changed. For Vectorworks 2025 we added one new workflow and some new export options. If you use the old workflows, then export from Vectorworks 2025 has to work in the same way as export from previous versions. If this is not the case, then there might be something else, which affects the DWG export. May I ask you to send an example document directly to me, so that the team can analyze the problem?

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@Nina Ivanova

I'd be happy to share the file, but not publicly. 


I've used VW since 1995, so my experience goes far back. My typical workflow is to turn off as many classes as possible and export them to DWG. My settings were close to the settings, but I may have had boxes checked under the 3D category. I've been exporting from a design layer, NOT a sheet layer. Is that not the intended workflow?


My desired result is a simple 2D (flat CAD) drawing as small as possible to share with whomever. I want all 3D information to be removed. For years, that was my workflow, but it seemed that either VW or I changed something this week. When I imported the DWG file (which I do to check it), much information was missing, and at times, the "arcs" in a furniture symbol were enlarged many times over, making the drawing look confusing. (No, I didn't take a screenshot).


Ultimately, I'd love to export to Revit (or IFC), but when I did recently, my engineers were able to open an IFC model, but it had no 2D representation for walls, doors, and other elements. It doesn't have the proper 2D appearance, so I'd instead have my engineers work on a flat 2D file so their drawings would have the same graphic quality as mine.


Ugh...this is the real day-to-day experience of this architect.


Would you prefer I send you a private link to the file?

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