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VW2025 - Wall tool over-riding colours in Attributes Palette - bug?



This is repeatable by myself and my colleague (different computers/locations). 

1. Open blank file, go to Building Shell tool set > Wall tool

2. Note current attributes in Attributes Palette. Select Wall tool

3. Press spanner and pencil, the Edit Wall Attributes. Change Fill colour, press OK

4. Draw Wall

5. Deselect all and note how the fill colour in the Attributes Palette is now the colour you just assigned the wall.


This is the only tool that does this - persistently over-rides the current colour - so I'm assuming it's a bug? 


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I think that makes sense.

You edit the Attributes before drawing a Wall.

(hence no object Selected)


If nothing selected and you change Attributes Palette, you will create a new Attribute default.

If something selected and changing Attributes it will be for the selection only,

as soon as you deselect, Attributes Palette will switch back to default.

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Hmm I've just tried this in 2024 and it does the same thing, so clearly not a bug! Just very weird to have it reset the Attributes - I've never seen a tool do it - I'm used to it only doing that when I have nothing selected and manually set them to something else!


Admin happy for you to delete this! (I can't)

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