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When I change a symbol's name I want the symbol name in my worksheet to change?

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Yes.  But you can't use the name of the symbol in the criteria.  


For example, attach a record format to the symbol definition.  Use the presence of that symbol as the criterion.  (Or use a class, etc)


Now when you call for the symbol name it will always be correct, even after you change the name of the symbol in the RM.

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I would give the same answer as Michael, but in reverse.


There is no link between the symbol name and the criteria. So if you change the Symbol Name, the criteria is not updated. If you change the criteria the Symbol Name is not updated.  The Criteria and the Symbol Name are just disconnected bits of text.


Pick a different Criteria to use to specify the object like Class or an attached Record and the Criteria will then not depend on the possibly changing symbol name.

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I like the direction you're thinking
@Bruce Kieffer
And it it extends to other Criteria too. Say we're cleaning up the file structure, renaming Classes, Layers, etc. fixing typos...  It would be helpful and intuitive if VW were to ask 'do you want to use new names in existing Worksheets?'

&/or when next recalculating the Worksheet a dialogue could suggest 'your previously wonderful worksheet now appears to be broken - do you want help fixing it by substituting broken criteria with the new names'  Yes, this would require a new Worksheet Manager tool but that would have wide ranging benefits and expansion possibilities.

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4 minutes ago, bcd said:

I like the direction you're thinking
@Bruce Kieffer
And it it extends to other Criteria too. Say we're cleaning up the file structure, renaming Classes, Layers, etc. fixing typos...  It would be helpful and intuitive if VW were to ask 'do you want to use new names in existing Worksheets?'

&/or when next recalculating the Worksheet a dialogue could suggest 'your previously wonderful worksheet now appears to be broken - do you want help fixing it by substituting broken criteria with the new names'  Yes, this would require a new Worksheet Manager tool but that would have wide ranging benefits and expansion possibilities.

My feelings exactly.

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