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Creating "Conditional Logic" or "Dependent Fields" in Record Format

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We have a common record format that we use across most of our objects to simplify things for users. However, we want to ensure that when users make a specific selection in a first primary dropdown field (e.g., Object Type or Description), only the relevant fields remain editable while the rest are automatically disabled or grayed out.

Is there a way to set up record formats in Vectorworks so that non-required fields become inactive based on the dropdown selection? This would make the record format more user-friendly by keeping only necessary fields active, allowing for a cleaner and more intuitive interface.

Thank you!


for example here , If I select “CEILING_CEIL” in the “DESCRIPTION” field marked in magenta, the yellow-marked fields should be deactivated or become uneditable, while only the green-marked “CEILING TYPE” fields should remain editable.


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