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Setting up a Renderworks Texture


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VW Rendering 101 inquiry:  


I rarely create realistic renderings, but I have questions about setting up new Renderworks Textures.  


When downloading textures from a third-party site like Poligon, one gets a bunch of image files for the base color, reflectivity and displacement.  The categories don't always align with the VW Renderworks shaders.  How do you know what to assign to which?


  • For example, would Roughness correspond to the VW Bump?  Or should I use a displacement tiff?
  • Would reflection use the metallic jpg file?  Or is it better to approximate it using the VW defaults?
  • I assume there is no transparency associated with concrete and that the base color is the BaseColor image file.

I understand that each rendering package does things differently and that the files are set up for more sophisticated rendering programs like Vray. Do VW Renderworks textures matter if you export the project to Twinmotion or Lumion?


Thanks in advance for your patience while answering these ultra-basic questions.







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3 hours ago, cberg said:

When downloading textures from a third-party site like Poligon, one gets a bunch of image files for the base color, reflectivity and displacement.  The categories don't always align with the VW Renderworks shaders.


They do not only not align ... VW also does only offer a fraction of slots of what the C4D Render Engine would be capable of .....

(Archicad just imported the whole of what C4D render engine offers, for sake of simplicity/usability)


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It sounds like I should just import a combination of the base color and the ambient occlusion to get a decent Shaded Render Image, and not try to expect too much else.  If and when I bring the material into another render program, I can add the bump, reflections, later.

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