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worksheet database lines created with a script "ignore" the wished criterias

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I wrote these few lines of script and now i am wondering (not much but a bit) why the database-rows don't work the way I wanted in the created worksheet:

First it turns out the following layout:

That's a little bit "strange" because all WS-database rows are limited to one wallstyle.

Only when I refresh every single database-criteria there's only one wall per database row.


Maybe I should switch and concatenate all wallstyles into one criteria line 😉 but, that's the way I did it now.


What do you think?


for object_name in object_names:

	object_handle = vs.GetObject(object_name)

	#listentitelzeile = (vs.Concat('=DATENBANK(INCLSUBX & ((T=WAND) & (SPT=', apo, 'Schicht', apo, ') & (','WST=',apo,object_name,apo,')))'))
	listentitelzeile = (vs.Concat('=DATENBANK(T=WAND) & (','WST=',apo,object_name,apo,')'))
	#=DATENBANK(INCLSUBX & ((T=WAND) & (SPT='Schicht') & ("WST='WA-A-TRA-ST-200-MWV-115-MVW-115-476"')))


	(boole,object_compNr) = object_componentnr = vs.GetNumberOfComponents(object_handle)
	for comp_nr in range (1,object_compNr+1):
	row = row+1


create ws script.zip

Edited by matteoluigi
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  • matteoluigi changed the title to worksheet database lines created with a script "ignore" the wished criterias

You might need to post this to the German forums instead. There are many lines that will not operate properly in the English version. I tried to do the conversion (DATENBANK -> DATABASE,  T=WAND -> T=WALL, OBJEKTDATEN -> OBJECTDATA), but there were still others that I was unable to find in the time I had available.




In the original file you posted, the worksheet shows the problem where is reporting all three wall styles even though the criteria is only for one. I have not idea why that is happening and since I can't get the script to run, I can't try and figure out why.


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OK, I figured it out.


listentitelzeile = (vs.Concat('=DATENBANK(T=WAND) & (','WST=',apo,object_name,apo,')'))


Notice the parentheses around the criteria.  The way it is written VW is assuming that the criteria is only (T=WAND) [Wall].  Once you open the criteria editor it is seeing both parts and updating appropriately. If you add another set of parenthenses it will work properly.


listentitelzeile = (vs.Concat('=DATENBANK((T=WAND) & (','WST=',apo,object_name,apo,'))'))


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