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Copy and paste structural members

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I've made a roof truss out of Structural Members, and now I want to copy and paste it along the length of the building. So I try to make a symbol, and blows it apart. When I edit the symbol to move the roof beams back to match the columns, I can't move anything. When I make a group and try to move it, only the four pieces move.

The original objects are on the left of the attached picture, and the symbol object is on the right.

What am I doing wrong? I assume this has something to do with how the structural members are connected to each other in the database, forcing the connection to stay in place?

I also don't need to have any BIM information; the Structural Member tool is really just for me to draw the 3D objects easily. Do I just convert everything to naive solids?

Structural Mess.JPG

Aeon Studio 3D.vwx

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1 hour ago, michaelk said:

It works as normal for me.  I took your symbol, edited it to align everything, and used move by points to distribute it with no problem.


Any idea why the individual structural members separated in the first place? I took a bunch of objects, made a symbol, and they fell apart. The group on the left is the components I originally drew, and I could not move the copied group.

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