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Single line for CNC export InteriorCad


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For the CNC report in InteriorCad we need to place part number on a custom part.

For this I currently use a text, which I convert to polyline and then to contour.

When I do this with any font from Vectorworks, the text is converted to a double line text, resulting in the CNC taking twice as long to make the text.

I have searched for single line fonts online to test, added these and used it as contour, but the fonts disappears as soon as I try to convert to contour.


Vectorworks Support colleagues can't help me any further, does anyone know a good workflow for this?

We need the part number on our shelves for organizing the CNC report.

Otherwise we have to search for the part number amongst hundreds of parts. Or name all the custom parts we draw.

If there is an easier way, please let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Pat Stanford said:





I have not used either of these.  Google Search term was: single line stick type ttf fonts for cnc engraving

It has been a bit since I went down this rabbit hole, but I believe the issue I had with these fonts is they still became two sided when used on a Mac. I may be wrong so I’ll dig in a bit. Thanks Pat!! 

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