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changing classes within groups - LOTS of groups...

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Hi all,

Is there any setting to allow me to change objects inside a group to the class of the group, without drilling into the groups individually? 

...like selecting dozens (hundreds?) of groups in different classes and make their 'interior' objects conform to those various classes?


I have a huge mix of polys and groups of polys all on the same class (imported shapefiles).

Pat kindly wrote me script to change them to classes as defined by a record field. V cool.


The groups change to those classes, but the polys inside do not.


I feel this is a very basic question and surprised that I have not been able to find any help topic nor tick-box or setting to change.


Any advice gratefully received.



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Thanks Pat.


Procedure ShapeZoneToClass;

VAR    S1            :String;

Procedure Execute(Hd1:Handle);

    ForEachObject(Execute,((R IN ['EPI_Land_ZoningRec'])));



The shapefiles do not come in cleanly and lots of groups exist of broken / open polygons.

Many thanks for your help.


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