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Requesting advice for tutorials

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Hey, so I'm a beginner at Vectorworks, just got an educational licence not too long ago. I want to know if there is any tutorials specifically on creating 'designs'. (truss and LED screen designs) I tried to create my own Ultra Music Festival design but I don't really know most of the necessary tools to do so. I was able to turn the U (logo) into a 'mesh' by tracing along the trusses. I didn't make the outer construction on Vectorworks (i did on another platform) but I did add some trusses and the floor. Also the lag when moving trusses and doing other stuff are kinda unbearable but i was able to push through it. I want to make my own led screen design and properly put trusses around them but there's a lot of tools and and a lot of learning. So, is there any tools or videos I could watch to help me with specifically what i'm trying to do? Also if you don't know what Ultra Music Festival is, you can just search it up on Google Images and you'll know what i'm talking about. Cheers





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There are not a lot of tutorials that take you through a process.  Most show how the tool works.  I think @markdd website will be of great help to many, his tutorials are excellent.


Below is my Youtube channel.  It has tutorials that demonstrate construction of complex objects.  Also, just examples of what can be done.


If you have something specific you are trying to model, post a picture.  You will get all kinds of help.

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I'll toss my hat in here.  I use Vectorworks on music festivals and concert tours everyday.  I have a YouTube channel of tutorials here - Vectorworks and also Cinema4d.


This is also a great place to ask specific questions about tools or workflows, so don't be afraid to ask here if you are stuck on something specific.  The more precise you can be with your question, the better results you'll get.


Just remember, there are lots of ways to build things in Vectorworks and everyone uses the program slightly differently, so you have to do some of your own trial and error to find the workflow that makes sense for you!



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