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Corrupted / Wonky Framing Members....


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I have a file in which my framing members appear to have gotten corrupted.  VW2024 crashed a few times and I had to retrieve data from a backup (which may or may not be related).


Here is my problem.  If I uncheck lock end or resize, the geometry goes haywire. See the second and third screenshots.  The geometry also goes wacky when I stretch the framing member.


I can copy the Geometry to a new file, and edit normally.  However when I copy the corrected geometry back into my file, corruption resumes.  I would prefer not to have to copy all my geometry to a new file.  Any ideas?  Sadly these types of problems seem to happen toward the end of a project.


Oh wait a minute.  Figured it out.  For whatever reason I need to turn off Multiple View Panes.  Is this a "normal" behavior or a bug?






Untitled 1.vwx

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