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3D Rotate a 2D/3D Symbol

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Right click on the symbol in the drawing or in the resource manager.


Choose Edit 2D


Select all.  Delete.


IF that doesn't work:  Edit 2D.  In the Componet Edit box that appears when editing a symbol look at the Edit pulldown.  If any other views (bottom, front, left, back, etc.) have geometry got to that edit view, select all and delete for each view that has geometry.

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I think the rational is this:  If you allowed the hybrid symbol to rotate around the X and Y axes, then the 2D representations would be incorrect.  Very possibly very incorrect.  Imagine a lighting truss symbol standing on end, or a car on a very steep slope (or rolled over into a ditch).  All the 2D parts of the symbol would be very unhelpful.


If you want the 2D to show the rotated state of 3D geometry and don't need a symbol, try Auto Hybrids.  They are very good at controlling the 2D representation of rotated 3D geometry.

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   If you want to keep the original 2D/3D symbol intact, duplicate the symbol in the Resource Manager and give it a new name. Do your surgery on the copy and you will have access to both a Hybrid and a 3D Symbol. There are definite advantages to Hybrid (2D/3D) Symbols that may become apparent at another time. If you have a copy of the Hybrid Symbol elsewhere you can ignore this advice.



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Modify>Convert>Convert to Group while in a 3d View does it for you too without destroying the original Symbol.


This would be a good enhancement request for such a prompt when trying 3d rotate of any 2d/3d object.

Edited by bcd
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