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How can we extrude a 2D surface?


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Hello everyone,

I'd like to create a parametric symbol that extrudes a 2D surface.

It seems relatively simple to me, but there's a left and a right.

According to one criterion it should be one or the other

Hello everyone,

I'd like to create a parametric symbol that extrudes a 2D surface.

It seems relatively simple to me, but there's a left and a right.

Depending on a parameter, it should be one or the other.





profil Connection 90deg 1879_vforum.vwx

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  • 2 months later...



Thanks for the answer

I opened the file and did the test unfortunately it doesn't work either.

Because it doesn't generate 3d parts!


Can you check this by first deleting the objects created by the first code?



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