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Redraw Circuit Bug

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Been coming across this since I updated to VW 2025.  Anytime I use the Redraw Circuit tool I can only use it once.  After I use it, I have to unselect it and select it again to redraw another circuit.  It happens across all my files since updating.  In VW 2024, I could keep using it until I turned it off.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Jeff G just trying that here and I'm not seeing this at all. Can you give some details? Mac / Win, version & build number? Maybe PM me a document that does the problem? As soon as we can reproduce it we will get it sorted out.



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Sorry my mistake - I misread your post. We're talking about the Connect tool Redraw mode. Well there you go... we thought that leaving this mode on was a bug because it could easily result in unexpected behavior of the Connect tool. Seems like we disabled a feature in your view.


Leave this with me. I'll see if I can find a way to make everyone happy in a service pack. Sorry we inconvenienced you.



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Jess A How about turning it off when you select another tool? I want this mode to be "spring-loaded" so you don't end up wondering what's going on. But I can see that it would be frustrating if you want to redraw successive circuits. Trying to find the middle way here. It's not a big thing to change but let's get it right.



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