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Project Issue History - Cell formatting

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Hey guys ! 


I'm trying to implement a changelog that will be populated by the information store in the issue revision of the file (inside the title block manager). And then display them on the Project Issue History. 

My issue is that I have multiline cell text as note part section which doesn't display correctly on sheetdrawing. When I open the worksheet affilated and format the cells of notes as wrap text, the worksheet expand associated rows but not in the sheetdrawing.


On the screenshot, the cells are already format on wrap text. And each rows are selected as Auto-fit Row Heigth. Which looks good. 



But then when I closed the worksheet, the worksheet image update text position in the note but doesn't adjust the height of the row. 



Is there someone had a solution to fix that display issue, other that than define a fix row height for each revision number? I'm trying to achieve something automated that required the less of small adjustement. 
Is it really just the fact the note cells are merged cells which VW doesn't support to adjusted itself by auto height ? An issue that exist since 2007 and not fix by the devs ??? 


Thanks for the help


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