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How can I make a Node in Marionette with a Script ?

Here is the Scipt. 


hTür = vs.WSScript_GetObject()

#Datenbank Tür
record = 'Door CW'
fieldname = 'Space1UUID'

#Datenbank Raum
recordRaum = 'Space'
fieldnamesRaum = ['11_Building','11_Floor','11_Room ID','11_Number']
dataRaum = []

#UUID von Raumnummer 1 auslesen
UUID = vs.GetRField(hTür, record, fieldname)
hRaum = vs.GetObjectByUuid(UUID)

#Die Felder Gebäude, Stockwerk, Wohnungsnummer und Raumnummer auslesen
for field in fieldnamesRaum:
	data = vs.GetRField(hRaum, recordRaum, field)

#Die Felder Gebäude, Stockwerk, Wohnungsnummer und Raumnummer zusammensetzten
raumnummerTür = dataRaum[0] +'.' + dataRaum[1] + dataRaum[2] + '.' + dataRaum[3]

#Resultat zurückgeben


My new Friend ChatGPT tried to help me, but it doesn't work 😃

#COMMAND;READONLYREFFILE;[VWLibDef]/Records & IFC\Get Record Field.py;
#Created by [Your Name] on [Date]

class Params(metaclass=Marionette.OrderedClass):
    this = Marionette.Node("Get Room Number from Door")
    this.SetDescription('Returns the room number associated with a door.')

    # Input Ports
    inDoor = Marionette.PortIn(vs.Handle(0), 'hDoor')
    inDoor.SetDescription("The input door object")

    # Output Ports
    roomNumber = Marionette.PortOut('sRoomNumber')
    roomNumber.SetDescription("The room number associated with the door")

    success = Marionette.PortOut('bSuccess')
    success.SetDescription("True if operation was successful, false otherwise")

    def RunNode(self):
        # Inputs
        hDoor = self.Params.inDoor.value

        # Database definitions
        recordDoor = 'Door CW'
        fieldUUID = 'Space1UUID'
        recordRoom = 'Space'
        fieldNamesRoom = ['11_Building', '11_Room ID', '11_Number']

        # Initialize output values
        roomNumber = ''
        success = False

        # Get the UUID from the door
        UUID = vs.GetRField(hDoor, recordDoor, fieldUUID)

        if UUID:
            # Get the room object by UUID
            hRoom = vs.GetObjectByUuid(UUID)

            if hRoom:
                # Gather room data
                dataRoom = []
                for field in fieldNamesRoom:
                    data = vs.GetRField(hRoom, recordRoom, field)

                # Create room number string
                roomNumber = f"{dataRoom[0]}.{dataRoom[1]}.{dataRoom[2]}"
                success = True
                vs.AlrtDialog("Room not found for UUID: " + UUID)
            vs.AlrtDialog("UUID not found for the door.")

        # Outputs
        self.Params.roomNumber.value = roomNumber
        self.Params.success.value = success


can someone help me ?

I want to record the Roomnumber in a Database, so can i export the number with the Door in my IFC....

Best regards

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