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"Lock-In" Rack RU's?



2 answers to this question

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@tom-SPL Yes I can see that might be inconvenient. We have to adjust the parameters so that  overall height = bottom thickness + 44.445mm * RU + top thickness. Preserving the RU value as you ask begs the question of whether to adjust top or bottom or both? But I do see your point.


We will look into this and see if there's a better way to link these parameter values.



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@tom-SPL I can see that it's a pain if you set the overall height and then the RUcount adjusts, so you set that back to where it should be, then you go figure out the correct top and bottom thicknesses so that the overall height comes out right.


And I've been thinking about this but it isn't clear to me what we can do to help exactly. It's one of those that seems obvious until you try to code it. At the moment we assume that the top and bottom thickness values are correct and if you enter the overall height we change the RU count, or if you enter the RU count we adjust the overall height. Say we don't adjust the RUcount, the question is then what do we do


- if the overall height - 44.45mm * RUcount > bottom thickness + top thickness?

- if the overall height - 44.45mm * RUcount < bottom thickness + top thickness?


Do we apply corrections to top and bottom thickness? and what rules would govern those corrections. Should we assume that top = bottom and center the rack-mounting space vertically? I'd like to hear you views as well before I commit us to a particular solutuion.





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