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Copy convert to lines marionette


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I new to marionette and still tyring to get my head around things at the moment.

I want to create a marionette script if possible or maybe it would need to be VectorScript?


The task is to select to 3D objects (roofs or slabs or combos) convert copy to lines and change the attributes to red line no fill and line weight of .5

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Does the Convert Copy to Lines menu command do what you want if you use it manually?  For me it is creating what seems to be a distorted view on the Layer Plane. I can't get it to display on a working plane in any way.


I have come up with a script That seems to be close to what you want, but returns the image of the objects correctly only after you switch to a Top/Plan view.


Procedure CopyToLinesColorAndLW;

{©2024  Pat Stanford - pat@coviana.com}
{licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0}
{TL/DR Use as you want, attribution for source, No warranty}

VAR	H1,H2,Waldo		:Handle;
	N1				:Integer;

	DoMenuTextByName('Convert Copy to Lines',0);
	While H2<>Nil DO
			SetPenFore(H2, 65535, 0, 0);
			SetLW(H2, 2);



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Thanks Pat,


Yes the Copy to Lines menu command dose just what i need when used in plan view. it allows be to see what clipping i need to do to my roofs for intersecting flat roof to pitch roof for example. 

The reason for the attributes change is so it shows up easier to help me us as a guide, as it comes in black with a small LW.


I have just tried your script and it worked a charm thanks, just with a small amendment to the LW.


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