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Line types


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How can I create a customize folder with just the line types I want? As it is now I'm given 4 line types from a folder called "untitled1" under "open files". Under Vectorworks Libraries/Line types there is a folder "line types" that has a bunch of different lines.


I can find both folders in the resource manager but I cant figure out how to manipulate them or create a custom selection/folder otherwise. If I right click on "untitled1" it gives me an option to create a new line type, but I just want to copy some of the stock line types from the Vectorworks libraries in to "untitled1" or another created folder that I can easily access from the line type selection on the attributes palette.



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"folders" of Resources (like Line Types) are actually just VW Files stored in specific locations.


If you want them to show up in the Line Type menu of the Attributes Palette you need to create a file in either your User Folder or your Workgroup Folder (if you are working with multiple people) with a relative path of:


User Folder:Libraries:Attributes:Line Types:Your File Here


The file name can be anything. The Line Types can be in a Line Type folder in the file, but they don't have to be.


You can then copy/paste objects with Line Types into the library file or you can use the Resource Manger Export function to "push" line types to the file.


If you make changes to the library file you either need to restart VW or use the Refresh Libraries command from the Gear menu of the Resource Manger to make VW understand that the content has been changed.


Ask again if this is not clear enough.

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