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ViewPaneLabelAPI - icon resolution error.

Piotr Rachtan

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I'm trying to display label with icon on the Viewpane, based on the below code, I set the path to `16x14-32bpp@72dpi` png file + the@2x file is also accessible (32x28-32bpp@72dpi).


            // add a single label to this row
			// The icon.png resolution should be 16 x 14. The developers should provide the large resolution icon 32 x 28 
			// Otherwise, the default icon will be used.
			// The text should be from the resource (vwr).
			labels.push_back( {"Localized Viewpane Label 1", "vwrFolderWithoutExtension/Images/Icon1.png" } );


The above code works as expected for VW2023, but stops working for VW2024, a pop-up appears:





What I'm doing wrong?

(png files attached)


Edited by Piotr Rachtan
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