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Custom tool placement


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I just installed VW 2025 and trying to get the workspace set up to my preferences. It appears their hasn't been any improvement on the managing of tools within the tool palettes. Specifically, I cannot decide where a tool is placed in the palette. It's either default, or alphabetical order. Sure would be nice if I could group them or create the hierarchy I want within the palette.


Am I correct?






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That would make a lot of sense. That's exactly what I want to do but they wont move that way.


I'm referring to the actual tools within the palettes. Like be able to move tools I use most, like the selection and line tool to the location I want them to be within the palette.

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5 minutes ago, KenD said:

That would make a lot of sense. That's exactly what I want to do but they wont move that way.


I'm referring to the actual tools within the palettes. Like be able to move tools I use most, like the selection and line tool to the location I want them to be within the palette.


You need to do it in the Workspace Editor.

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Tried that too. Cant reposition tools there either. Can delete and add, I just cant move the tools to the positions I want. Tried holding control, shift. Alt...no dice. I can move the tools around in version 2021, just not this new 2025 version.


Kevin, are you using 2025?

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Attached is a .pdf  screenshot showing what I cant do and where. Maybe there is a palette lock feature that prevents you from accidentally moving stuff I am not aware of?Screenshot 2024-09-19 162447.pdfScreenshot 2024-09-19 162447.pdfScreenshot 2024-09-19 162447.pdfScreenshot 2024-09-19 162447.pdfScreenshot 2024-09-19 162447.pdfScreenshot 2024-09-19 162447.pdfScreenshot 2024-09-19 162447.pdf

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Thank you. Going to have to be a reinstall because even restarting the computer and the program didn't fix the problem. I may get a list together and call support...assuming they still talk to us.


No one here has a solution for the zoom line thickness issue either...possible a reinstall could fix that too. I had put time in to setting up the workspace the way I want it and that will be lost. The migration it asked me about at install didn't leave me with that all set up from the previous iteration of the program.

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@KenD I just tried to move some tools around in the workspace editor VW2025.   I noticed it was being very finnicky.


If I clicked on a tool it would highlight but I couldn't move.

If I clicked on a tool and when it highlighted in grey If I slid my mouse right or left while holding down the left mouse button the blue line would appear and then I could drag the tool to a new location.   I would still consider this a bug because it shouldn't take so much effort to make it work.


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Thanks, I just opened it up and tried that and it didn't work. I might take a look to see if the bugs in the fasteners have been fixed since 2021 before proceeding with reinstall or tech support. If thats not fixed I might as well stay with 2021 because I dont see anything on this version that jumps out as especially more helpful...yet. So far its just a time suck.

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