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Rotation Query - Rotation cause twisting of Object

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Attached is a model I am working on but am having trouble rotating an object.


The object in question is an extrude, currently on the 'None' Class. This object is effectively a piece of 40 x 40mm timber which is to be on the inside corner of a sloped 6mm MDF form. The slope of the 6mm MDF is 15 degrees.


As can be seen from the Model, I have rotated the 40 x 40mm object in one direction to fit in the corner, which can be seen in one of the orthographic views, noting how it sits directly on the inside of the 6mm object.


So................. when I rotate it in the other direction, it becomes twisted for some reason and does not 'sit' in the corner properly. This happen whether I set up a Working Plane or use Auto plane for the surface of the object.


I can not get my head round why it is twisting. It should fit snuggly in the corner of the 6mm MDF. I have made it longer than required as I was planning on using the Trim tool to cut it to length, with horizontal cuts, at the required points.


Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Kind regards



Cooker Hood.vwx

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HI @Pat Stanford


This may help make it clearer. Attached is a file with the one object.


  1. Created a Rectangle,
  2. Extruded Rectangle
  3. Changed to Front View
  4. Rotated 15 degrees
  5. Changed to Left View
  6. Rotated 15 degrees

Now, look at the front and left views, and it is twisted.


I double checked the working planes when rotating.


Kind regards



Rotation Query.vwx

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This doesn't look twisted to me, it just looks like the Orthogonal view making a bit of an optical illusion.  The Top/Plan view shows all the lines parallel.  


Try switching to normal perspective mode and take a look there.  It takes a while to get used to working with orthogonal views on angled stuff as they mess with the perspective.



no twist 01.png

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Hi @EAlexander


I have to disagree as you can clearly see the rear corner in the elevation view, orthogonal, which should not be visible.


I posted another file where I've rotated it more to emphasise the issue.


Also attached is the Top/Plan view, (pressing 0 on the number pad), and it can be seen the object is twisted.






Edited by Michael Siggers
Added text.
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7 hours ago, Michael Siggers said:

HI @Pat Stanford


This may help make it clearer. Attached is a file with the one object.


  1. Created a Rectangle,
  2. Extruded Rectangle
  3. Changed to Front View
  4. Rotated 15 degrees
  5. Changed to Left View
  6. Rotated 15 degrees

Now, look at the front and left views, and it is twisted.


I double checked the working planes when rotating.


Kind regards




I followed your steps in this post, rotating the object with the Rotate Tool, snapping to the same point for each Front & Left rotations, and I do not see any kind of 'twist' that you are talking about. Everything looks correct -- and no different from the other files you've posted. 


Top / plan View



1 hour ago, Michael Siggers said:

I have to disagree as you can clearly see the rear corner in the elevation view, orthogonal, which should not be visible.


Why are you expecting it not to be visible? It is a wireframe view, not a hidden line. So you're seeing through the timber.

rotation test.vwx

Edited by rDesign
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I agree with Mike. I would have expected these two lines in plan to align with each other:




This is the twist he's referring to.


If I instead place a Working Plane diagonally through the Extrude + rotate it once on that plane I get the desired results:




I don't really understand why the same results aren't achieved by rotating it twice in orthogonal views.

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Hi, all


Two items

1.  I would use different words.  The 40x40 is not twisted (eg twist to wring out a washcloth). Yes, it is rotated, which explains view displaying edges with some separation. Also, it will never fit flat against both sides of the hood.

2. The planes of the hood, tilting from 2 directions, do not meet at a right angle,  They intersect the layer plane at 90°, but plane to plane angle is greater than 90.  Think about a really flat pyramid. Adjacent planes rise a bit from a square base, but the apex is almost on same plane as the base. Now flatten it all the way - angle between the planes is 180° (they are co planar). An infinitely tall pyramid will have adjacent planes approaching 90°.  Face/face angle for other rises is between 90° and 180°.


A pyramid face to face angle is 93.84° if both sides tilt 15°. 

Resaw or machine the 40x40 to fit against both "faces".

Eg slice 1.92° from 2 adjacent faces of the 40x40.





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Thank you @Benson Shaw


Yeah, after much racking of my brain, (getting old 😃), I figured the angle between the two angled surfaces was not 90 degrees.


Ignoring those and looking at the other file with just the 40 x 40mm object, just confused as to why it becomes slightly rotated when rotating the object the way I have.



Edited by Michael Siggers
Spelling mistake
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