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VS:SetComponentName doesn't change componentname

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I try to check componentnames in one of our projects and, due to the fact, that in that project there's a huge number of wallstyles,...

I try to solve it with a script.


howver VS:SetComponentName doesn't change  the componentnames inside that file.

(as you can see in the testfile)


def schichtkorrektur(hndl):
	wallname = vs.GetWallStyle(hndl)
	vs.AlrtDialog(vs.Concat('Wandstilname: ',wallname))

	for i in range(1,10):
		componentname = vs.GetComponentName(hndl,i)
		cnnameeins = vs.SubString(componentname,'-',1)
		cnnamezwei = vs.SubString(componentname,'-',2)
		cnnamedrei = vs.SubString(componentname,'-',3)
		cnmat = vs.SubString(componentname,'-',4)
		cnnamefuenf = vs.SubString(componentname,'-',5)
		cnnamesechs = vs.SubString(componentname,'-',6)

		vs.SetComponentName(hndl, i, (vs.Concat(cnnameeins,'-',cnnamezwei,'-',cnnamedrei,'-',cnmat,'-',cnnamefuenf,'-',cnnamesechs)))
#		vs.SetComponentName(hndl, i, (vs.Concat('MOIN')))		
#vs.ForEachObject(schichtkorrektur,'((T=WALL) & (WST=WA-I-NTR-GK*))')	

he doesn't even replace the componentname with "MOIN" 🤨

any ideas?






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now i did reduce the code to essential problem:

def changewallcomp(hndl):
	for i in range(1,10):
		vs.SetComponentName(hndl, i, (vs.Concat('MOIN')))		

theorically now all wall components should be named 'MOIN' after having executed that script. Unfortunately, that doesn't work.

Did I misunderstand the "SetComponentName" function?

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If so i would not just loop the walls in drawing and changing the same stile hundreds of times. I would get the walls and collect the used style names. Then i would eliminate duplicate names and loop the style names. Or collect the Resources directly. 

Beside that, i would not change object swhich i collect with "ForEachObject" directly in the "ForEachObject" callback function. I would use "ForEachObject" always as a read only manipulation.

something like this:

wall_style_names = []

def get_objects(h):
	wall_style_name = vs.GetWallStyle(h)
	'''hinzufügen, falls nicht schon in der Liste'''
	wall_style_names.append(wall_style_name) if wall_style_name not in wall_style_names else None

for wall_style_name in wall_style_names:
  	wall_style_handle = vs.GetObject(wall_style_name)

	'''security to be sure just manipulating wall styles'''
    if vs.GetTypeN(wall_style_handle) == 127:
		#Do your component renaming code here


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