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Working Plane Help

Cory W.

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I'm sure it's user error, but I struggle with the working plane tool. In this example I have the working plane set to an exterior wall. I drafted a 3D polygon as a guide for additional work. I can't see it, but not head-on (Left View)... even if I turn the textures off. I can sorta work with it in ISO, but should I be able to see a 3D polygon on a wall in a head-on view?



Edited by CW2020
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The x-ray feature (press B) is very handy in this kind of situation!




Like others, if I want to draw guidelines on a working plane, I tend to use 2d objects. Partly because they are more visible, partly because you can be quite sure they will actually be on the working plane. If you draw a 3d polygon it's possible to inadvertently snap to something that's not on the working plane.





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For me being able to easily get rid of the guide lines afterwards is just as important as creating them in the first place, hence I like to convert them to Guides - but I think I'm the only one! I have the Guide commands on my right-click menu to speed it up. It can be a real pain trying to select + delete lines afterwards + easy to forget about them completely. 'Delete All Guides' solves that.




Same with Loci. These are even harder to find/select/delete. So I have a script that does this automatically for me too. But this is getting away from the subject sorry...




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