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Vision 2024+viz key with grandMA3onpc connection issues

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Hello, I have been trying to connect my Vision pc with a laptop running grandMA3 on pc. The version for MA3 is and same is for the viz key. I am able to export .MVR files from Vectorworks(same 2024) and merge them in Vision without any issues. As soon as i connect my MA3onpc by DMX provider the lights starts flashing and move randomly. I have installed the driver for Viz Key already in both my machines. Also i tried using Loopback IP as well as the separate IP address (but in the same range) via ethernet cable, but the issue remains the same. I also went through all the tutorials on the same and tried the process step by step, still no success. Kindly let me know the solution for this cos I am exhausted trying all sort of options. I have also tried downloading the previous version i.e. 2023 but could not generate key for Vision 2023 from my customer portal. Thank you in advance!

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Please follow the steps outlined here:

Some of the dialogs may look slightly different but the instructions are the same.
The important thing is to launch Vision first and have the VizKey on the machine running Vision.

When you launch MA3 the visualizer with the VizKey will join the session created by the console.

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Hello..thank you for the answer. Tried the process step by step..can’t connect the MA3onpc with Vision via MA-Net3 but can have some output on maybe one or two universes via SaCN or Multi Input..I have again reinstalled Vision and re-did the process. Still the problem remains the same. Both the machines are Windows based and are connected via Ethernet cable..

Following is the process I am following-(maybe I might be doing something wrong)-

I always start Vision first and then Merge my MVRs and setup the scene. Then I connect my Viz key to Vision PC and select the DMX provider as MA-Net3..select the version( and interface as the Ethernet cable. (I have never seen the connecting dialogue box as explained in the article)

The lights start flashing and moving randomly

2) Then I start my MA3onpc on the other machine(laptop) and go to my network menu and invite the Vis+Dongle to my session.

it shows it is connected and appears green but the lights still keep flashing.

I then activate the SaCN from my DMX protocols.

3) In Vision I then change the DMX provider to Multi Input and the flashing stops.

4) Now if I trigger lights from MA they respond. But, only certain lights respond others don’t. (Eg. Lights on maybe one of the four universes are turned on)


i have checked the patching in both Vectorworks and MA.

The IP address for both the machines-



All the lights are Vision fixtures cos apparently GDTF has some issues even after using the manufacturer release files from GLP, Clay Paky, Robe. 

I also export different MVRs based on the fixture type from Vectorworks and then merge it in Vision one by one.

I ll try to send the screenshots as soon as I get access to the machines today.

Kindly advise for the same.. thanks in advance.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Have you tried using Artnet view or sACNview to check the console sotware is correctly outputing a signal and whether the signal is properly reaching the vision computer?
Both of these apps are free and pretty straight forward to use, I'm not sure if there is something similar available for MA3net (I suspect not) but these will atleast enable you to check if a signal is reachng your previs machine when outputting either, what universes are being received, etc...


Do either of the computers have an active firewall or antivirus software running?
These can cause problems, so should be disabled.


Have you set the network connection to public or private, on the connection between the 2 machines?

this can change the access that is allowed at each side, depending on how windows is configured


Do you have any other network access like wifi enabled?
try turning them all off except the direct connection between the console machine and previs machine, I've heard of this causing issues in the past in certain configurations.


Have you checked the network cable being used to connect both machines?
the fact that your lights are flashing implies that the DMX signal (ma3net or otherwise) is not clean, possibly as a result of a damaged cable

How have you connected the 2 computers, directly or with a switch?
using a small switch may help

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Hello, Greetings of the day!
Thank you for the suggestions. Following are the things based on the points you mentioned-
1) Yes, used both ArtNetominator and SaCNView for checking the individual protocols when used. Also changed the IP address of both the machines when used the Art Net protocol(the 2.x.x.x range)
2) Already disabled the firewall and anti virus when installed MA3 and Vision in the individual machines.
3) The network is public but checked the allowed apps after firewall was disabled. Also, disabled the other network adaptors. Only, Ethernet adaptor was active.
4) Also did the ping test to check if both the machines were communicating.
5) Changed the cables twice and got a 2 brand new Cat6 cables(just to be sure) and also which I checked on other systems before connecting the Vision and MA machines.
6) Already using a network switcher.

As mentioned previously, have been starting the Vision machine first with viz key connected and also making sure that Viz-Key is connected to Vision and then only starting the MA3 software.
Still it is not getting connected. The only time it is connected is through SaCN protocol or the Art Net but can only get 512 parameters as Viz Key gets connected with MA3.

Note- In the Pre-vis machine I haven't installed MA3 software and same for the console machine there is no Vision installed.
Also, I uninstalled both MA3onpc and Vision from the individual machines and again installed them new as well as installed the Viz-Key driver.

Previs Machine- i7 processor, 64GB RAM, RTX 3060 graphics card.
Console Machine- i9 processor, 32GB RAM, RTX 4070 graphics card

I am attaching reference images and videos below of the entire process I have been following. Kindly advise me for the same. Thank you in advance!




WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.40.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.40 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.40 (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.40 (3).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.41.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.41 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.41 (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.41 (3).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.41 (4).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-06 at 17.24.41 (5).jpeg

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I'm not sure what is wrong here, without being on site its hard to diagnose what the root cause is.
have you tried running the MA 3 on pc software on the same machine as Vision?
This would eliminate any chance of account or network settings being the cause of the problem.

Another option is to wait until later today when 2025 launches and try using the new Showcase rendering mode (PreVis directly in Spotlight).

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

With Vectorworks 2025 all Spotlight licenses now have access to Vision with unlimited universes. You can contact your sales representative if your license for Vision 2025 need to be updated. (Students are still limited to 4 Universes of Vision.)

The one thing I recently confirmed with MA is that you MUST start Vision or Showcase first so that they take control of the Viz-Key.
If you quit Vision or Showcase MA will take possession of the Viz-Key and you will have to relaunch the MA3.
There is currently no way to force the MA3 to release the Viz-Key ther than to restart the MA3.
The only exception is when you are using MA3 onPC and Vision/Showcase on the same machine. There is a setting on the MA3 to allow the visualizer to keep control of the Viz-Key.
See: https://help.malighting.com/grandMA3/2.1/HTML/onpc_onpc_settings.html

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/8/2024 at 10:41 PM, klinzey said:

With Vectorworks 2025 all Spotlight licenses now have access to Vision with unlimited universes. You can contact your sales representative if your license for Vision 2025 need to be updated. (Students are still limited to 4 Universes of Vision.)

The one thing I recently confirmed with MA is that you MUST start Vision or Showcase first so that they take control of the Viz-Key.
If you quit Vision or Showcase MA will take possession of the Viz-Key and you will have to relaunch the MA3.
There is currently no way to force the MA3 to release the Viz-Key ther than to restart the MA3.
The only exception is when you are using MA3 onPC and Vision/Showcase on the same machine. There is a setting on the MA3 to allow the visualizer to keep control of the Viz-Key.
See: https://help.malighting.com/grandMA3/2.1/HTML/onpc_onpc_settings.html

By the way, can I get unlimited version of Vision 2024 too? Because I still can't get Ma3-net working through Vision 2025, but Vision 2024 doesn't resist that much.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Yes, Showcase is unlimited, 255 Universes, for all.
Vision licenses are also now unlimited for everyone.
You may need to contact support to get your Vision license updated to unlimited if it did not happen automatically with your renewal.

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@klinzey Here is the answer I got from customer service:



Your Showcase part of Spotlight is unlimited. 

Your Vision licenses are Pro and are limited to 4 universes.


So apparently I'm not included in the "everyone" group when you say: "Vision licenses are also now unlimited for everyone." 


Is it something they might not be aware of?

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