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How I can start?

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Good morning everyone,

About 10 months ago, I purchased ConnectCAD, but so far, I haven’t been able to use it effectively. I’ve been creating my diagrams in Draw.io, but I would like to start using a more professional tool and make the most of ConnectCAD.

I'm looking for someone who could guide me or dedicate some time to help me get started. I'm willing to offer a contribution if necessary.

The diagram I started working on, which is still incomplete, is attached. I want to redesign it from scratch in Vectorworks, as well as create custom symbols for my switches, including settings for each port (VLANs, IP ranges, etc.), so that everything is documented and organized correctly.

Is anyone available to assist me with this?

Thank you in advance for your attention and availability.

Best regards,




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @Tom W.


Sorry Tom I mistook you for a colleague and then realised you were not. And let's face it the question is a little off-topic in this thread.


Answer: yes you can but... using ConnectCAD for this purpose is a sledgehammer to crack a walnut. You need something simpler. The Design Express plug-in is probably what you want.





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41 minutes ago, Conrad Preen said:

Hi @Tom W.


Sorry Tom I mistook you for a colleague and then realised you were not. And let's face it the question is a little off-topic in this thread.


Answer: yes you can but... using ConnectCAD for this purpose is a sledgehammer to crack a walnut. You need something simpler. The Design Express plug-in is probably what you want.






Thanks Conrad no probs. It was only because @jcogdell said "[ConnectCAD] isn't really designed for architectral/domestic power wiring but it can be easily adapted to do so". The Design Express plugin is not available in my region whereas I do have ConnectCAD as part of my license.


I did ask the same question in the other thread but got no response so thanks for your reply this time.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Tom W. Jesse is right. Though whether or not it is "easy" is a matter of opinion. In domestic wiring you have few cables each generally going down their own path. In complex AV installations you have many cables that often share the same path, and these can carry multiple signals - a whole other level of complexity in other words. That's the world ConnectCAD caters to. You could use it but it's overkill.


For domestic wiring you can use the simplifying assumption that circuit = cable = cable-path. You really just want to draw the wires and boxes on a floor plan and get some meaningful reports. How they are connected is pretty obvious. I'd agree that there is room for a basic electrical wiring tool.



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