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Landscape area to site modifiers

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Hi Guys, I've terraced a garden so my modifiers are slightly below sight model. When I insert landscape area it hovers above everything and a kind of brown shadow of it floats on the sight model. How do I get it to reach down to sight modifier level. Sorry completely new to this.

Thanks in advance 

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You don't "get it to reach down to the site modifier level".  Your landscape areas, when configured properly, will land on the site model and modify it based on it's configuration/components.  Modifiers and Landscape Areas can be set to change the existing or proposed site model, so you want to check that.  Also, Site Models can be set to "listen" to specific Design Layers or all of them for site modifiers and such, so there is yet another configuration to check.  Generally, you have an existing model and then you grade it or modify it with objects to arrive at a proposed model.  You have to option of displaying either one at any given time or taking Site Model Snapshots to display multiple conditions.


It sounds like you have a site, made some modifiers to create some terraces, and may be viewing the incorrect site model.  Post you model and some images of what you are trying to do, it's hard to diagnose these issues from words alone.

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Thanks for this guys.

I can see I've messed up from the get go. Didn't modify the model.

It's for my final project for college.

I'll have another play so the calculations add up for cut and fill. Again thanks for the rapid response 

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

You’re welcome. 


Here’s my recommended workflow:
1. Create model from original source data. This is the EXISTING model.

2. Apply Site Modifiers and Grades to change the site how you want it. 

3. Add Hardscapes and Landscape Areas. Use Draped mode on the Hardscapes and the Landscape Areas will just automatically fit the model.


Good luck!


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