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2025 - Curbs, Edging and Borders - New Feature Video


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Very excited about this, to make this truly useful may I request that roads can also be inclined in section?
Cross-sections of roads are never flat (they fall to either sides), it gets especially complex when there is a bend in the road, as the cross-section incline changes further according to the speed of traffic, width of road, etc.
Without the ability to create this cross-section incline, we can't model the roads designed by our traffic consultants with the road tool.
We end up doing complex things like free form modelling, which isn't great for our 2d drawings. 
And each time our consultants update the road profile, it is a massive headache to update the model. 

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3 hours ago, Amorphous - Julian said:

Very excited about this, to make this truly useful may I request that roads can also be inclined in section?
Cross-sections of roads are never flat (they fall to either sides), it gets especially complex when there is a bend in the road, as the cross-section incline changes further according to the speed of traffic, width of road, etc.
Without the ability to create this cross-section incline, we can't model the roads designed by our traffic consultants with the road tool.
We end up doing complex things like free form modelling, which isn't great for our 2d drawings. 
And each time our consultants update the road profile, it is a massive headache to update the model. 

Perhaps the upcoming 3d roadways function will help for you. Probably a VW 2026 feature since it's under the development section of the roadmap, see: https://www.vectorworks.net/en-US/public-roadmap?url=roadways

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all. Started using Vectorworks Landmark in September 2024 and slowly getting a hang of it. Went for it for 3D modelling and BIM capabilities. I was adding curbs to one of my projects today. All good until I need to update my proposed site model. Vectorworks just csashes and shuts down. I'm sure it's related to curbs that I've added to hardscapes. What may cause the issues? is there built in tool to find & fix errors? Visually everything looks rather OK to me. There are some round edges that curbs overlap (cut into) hardscapes on both sides of the curb. It would be extremely difficult to avoid overlaps like these as program simplifies round edges itself. As I'm quite new to this I may do something wrong, but can't figure out what. As this is actual project for a client I have deadlines and so can't really fiddle with it too long. All the rest of the model seems to come along nicely and before I added curbs it updated DTM without any issues. At one point I also deleted some curbs and program quit crashing (found the faulty curb). It was one very simple rectange shaped hardscape with closed line curb added around it. After that I added all the curbs to project, added profiles manually to get everything to correct heights. When placing curbs to hardscale edges, some points like to snap to z=0 though my actual DTM is at about 54m. At first I used associateve pick mode to place curbs. For some reason model got extremely slow up tu the point the fail was unworkable. Deleted all curbs created this way and tried vertex mode and that way file is workable without any noticable slow down.

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