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Contour Numbering


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I started my building model from the provided templete.  As such, the first floor is on elevation 0' but the actual site elevation is 124' above sea level.  What is the best way for the site plan to show the proper contour numbers above sea level?   Should I change all the stories to the appropriate elevations?

Edited by homero
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You place your site at real world elevation and the contours read correctly.

You put your building in a separate file with FF = 0'

Then, you reference your building into the site file and move it to the elevation and rotation you desire.


This keeps the architecture manageable for the purpose of documentation, but allows you to study its interaction with the site.

It also allows you to make sweeping changes to the building placement and rotation without redoing your dimensioning.  I'll never understand why architects like moving sites....

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Jeff's advice is a good setup to follow.

Simplifies the workflow and keeps the project files sizes smaller.


A good analogy would be making one old school topo model that can be used as a base for several building models representing various design options. 

Edited by GregG
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I have found that Roof/Wall clipping fails in referenced DLVPs so as a result starting putting my building model + site model in the same file. I found Layer Import Referencing less buggy but in the end just found it easier to build it all in the same file. I never saw a significant drop in file size.


It can be a pain generating multiple referenced DLVPs in order to generate the necessary SLVPs. I prefer Layer Import Referencing in that regard.


I ought to try again + see if the roof clipping failing is still happening.

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