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Marit H

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Is it possible to calculate a volume of water in a pond that is a part of a site model? I will try to explain what I mean. I have a pond and I have done 3D poly for its bottom and its edges (in DTM layer) and that change my site model and it all look good. But now I want to see how much water this pond could contain to a certain water level. Is that possible in Vectorworks? My thought were to make an extrude of the water and then clip the extrude with the site model (or mesh) but that didn't work. Can someone help me with this?



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Yes, there is another workflow for this too  from @Benson Shaw- though it has been some time since I have tried. 



Have talked with some VW folks to request some features like this as dedicated tools for stormwater since there can be some problems with above methods....and it is super important for our work (more so than irrigation in many parts of the world)

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  • 2 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, Michal Zarzecki said:

@Benson Shaw, This is what I have been trying to do but it doesn't seem to work in 2023. It's the same computing error.

And I fully agree that there should be an easy way of measuring and reporting volumes of selected areas. How should we do our job otherwise - invest in a dedicated software? It kills the purpose of VW and its USP.

I've made some requests on the VW Roadmap for these kind of features needed for Stormwater calculations, and mentioned it to several VW folks like @Tony Kostreski during the design day events, as well as my local distributor here in Denmark. @Bryan G. has also come up with some good workflows for calculating surface water runoff that are absolutely core to a lot of LA work nowadays.

I have hopes its coming...as many of the important things like curbs, roads, overlapping site mods and plants are quite well developed now.

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